By Leah Caldwell | Property and finance | August 2023

Buying a House After Separation, Before Divorce

Finding a new place to live is one of the many challenges that can arise when navigating the divorce process. We understand that this is a difficult situation for anybody, though with the right advice, deciding on your next move will begin to feel a whole lot easier.

You might be considering buying a new house after separation, but before the divorce is final. This decision, while seemingly straightforward, requires careful consideration due to potential legal, emotional, and financial implications.

In this blog, we'll explore the factors you need to consider, provide some practical tips, and hopefully help guide you through this complex decision-making process.

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Should I Buy a New Property Before My Divorce is Finalised?

Entering the property market amidst separation can bring about a unique set of challenges. While buying a new house may seem like a fresh start, it's crucial to consider the potential implications before diving into a purchase before your divorce is finalised.

In general, the safest time to purchase a new property is after you have a financial settlement and your divorce has been finalised - because at this point, the division of your capital assets, pensions, incomes , and any other financial matters will have been resolved. This clarity provides a more accurate picture of your financial standing, thus offering a realistic understanding of what kind of property you can comfortably afford.

Additionally, purchasing a home before divorce finalisation can trigger legal complications and add emotional stress during an already challenging time.

Considering the correct decisions for everyone involved

Choosing to buy a new house and deciding when to leave your current home are significant steps in the divorce process. Both choices can impact not only you but also your family, and as such, careful thought and consideration are needed. Introducing a neutral, knowledgeable third party such as a property and financial mediator can be invaluable, to help guide productive conversations, and can be useful in this circumstance.

When deciding what is right for you and your family, consider these points:

Emotional Impact:

The emotional impact of moving out from your marital home can be significant. It's a tangible step indicating the end of your marriage and the start of a new chapter. This can bring a mix of emotions — relief, sadness, fear, and anticipation. Your emotional wellbeing is crucial, and if you believe moving out would be too distressing, it might not be the right time.

Children's Wellbeing:

If you have children, their emotional wellbeing is a paramount consideration. Staying in a home where tensions and arguments are frequent can be stressful for them. On the other hand, moving to a new house can bring its own set of challenges like adjusting to a new environment, changing schools, or missing the other parent.

Negotiations and Mediation:

Living separately can sometimes provide the space and clarity needed to negotiate more effectively about financial settlements and child arrangements. However, in some cases, it could also potentially escalate tensions.

Legal Implications:

Purchasing a new house could have legal implications, especially concerning plans regarding the division of family finances. In England and Wales, for instance, all assets, including those purchased after separation, can be considered in the financial settlement process.

This means that you will still need to disclose information regarding a home purchased post separation as part of the divorce process and it is likely to be something that you will need to discuss when considering the terms of a financial settlement.

It's crucial to consult with a legal professional before making any significant decisions concerning property during the divorce process. This guidance can help ensure that you fully understand your rights and the potential implications of your decisions.

Financial Situation

As you navigate through the process of separation, your financial situation will likely experience significant changes. From the division of assets to potential child maintenance payments, numerous factors can influence your financial standing and capacity to afford a new property.

Here are some key considerations:

Division of Assets:

Before purchasing a new property, it's crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of how your assets will be divided. This division directly influences the financial resources you'll have available for a property purchase.

Child Maintenance:

If you're required to pay child maintenance, this regular expenditure can significantly impact your income and, thus, your ability to secure a mortgage or meet ongoing property costs. Ensure you have a clear understanding of these potential payments before committing to a new property purchase.

Financial Obligations Tied to the Divorce:

Apart from asset division and potential child maintenance, other commitments might result from a financial settlement or financial order. These can include legal fees , costs of mediation, the repayments of family debts, other childcare costs, and spousal maintenance . It's crucial to factor in all these costs to gain a realistic view of your financial situation post-divorce.

After all these considerations, it's advisable to create a new budget reflecting your post-divorce financial status. This can provide a clear picture of what you can afford in terms of mortgage payments, down payment, and other property-related expenses.

When Will I be Safe to Purchase A New Property?

You'll typically be safest to purchase a new property after your divorce has been finalised and a financial settlement has been made legally binding. This timing ensures that all issues concerning asset division, child maintenance, and any other financial responsibilities tied to the divorce have been resolved. Also, it helps avoid potential legal complications and emotional stress that could stem from buying a house during divorce proceedings.

However, every situation is unique, and it's recommended to seek professional advice tailored to your circumstances for the most accurate guidance.

However, the exact timing can depend on various factors, including the length of your divorce proceedings, your financial situation, the housing market, and more. Therefore, it's helpful to consult with a solicitor and a financial advisor to understand when it would be the best time for you to buy a new property, considering your specific circumstances.

Why Should I Be Wary About Buying a New Property Before a Divorce?

Purchasing a new property before your divorce is finalised can present a number of potential issues:

Asset Division:

In England and Wales, all assets, including those purchased pre-marriage and after separation, can (subject to circumstances and the needs of the people concerned) be taken into account during the financial settlement process. This means a home bought post-separation could potentially be considered as part of a financial settlement. This could mean the property would have to be divided or accounted for in the divorce, even if only one spouse intends to live there.

Financial Uncertainty:

The divorce process often brings significant financial changes, including potential maintenance payments, legal fees, and any other changes to income. These changes could affect your ability to afford a new home.

Mortgage Approval:

Securing a mortgage during a divorce can be challenging. Lenders may be hesitant due to the uncertainty of your financial situation and potential changes to your income or debt.

Complicating Divorce Proceedings:

Buying a house during a divorce could complicate the proceedings. It may add another asset to divide, leading to potential disagreements and possibly prolonging the process.

Emotional Factors:

Divorce is an emotionally challenging time. Buying a home is a significant decision and can be stressful under the best circumstances. You may want to wait until after your divorce when you have a clearer headspace.

Before making any significant decisions, it's essential to consult with legal and financial professionals familiar with your personal circumstances and local laws. They can provide guidance on the best steps for you to take during this transition.

Divorce Process Overview

Understanding the stages of the divorce process is critical when considering buying a house during separation. Here is a brief overview of the main stages of divorce proceedings:

Application for Divorce: This is the initial stage where one or both party/ies applies for divorce. It is the formal request to the court to dissolve the marriage.

Response to Application: The other party (if the application has not been made jointly) is served with divorce papers and has a certain time frame to respond.

Conditional Order (formerly known as Decree Nisi):
You must wait 20 weeks following the issuing of the divorce application before you can apply for a Conditional Order. The Conditional Order, if granted by a Judge, signifies that a Court accepts that the divorce can proceed.

Negotiations: If both parties agree on the divorce and all related issues (like property division, child arrangements, etc.), they can move directly to the final stages. If not, negotiations (inside or outside of mediation) may be necessary to reach an agreement.

Divorce Settlement: A divorce settlement is a comprehensive set of plans outlining the terms of the divorce, including how assets and debts will be divided together with the details of any child arrangements It is likely that you will want these plans to be formalised and, following the Conditional Order (see above), you can apply to the Court for a Consent Order, which makes the terms agreed upon legally binding.

Final Order (formerly known as Decree Absolute): You can apply for a Final Order, which formally ends the marriage, 43 days after the Conditional Order. It is usually considered prudent to wait until a financial settlement has been reached before applying for a Final Order.

During these stages, purchasing a new property can have various implications. If you're unsure about where you stand in the divorce process or how it could affect your plans to buy a house, seeking professional help from a mediator can provide clarity and assist you with your decision-making. To learn more about the divorce process and how it might affect your circumstances, read our blog post on How to Get a Divorce.

Practical Tips for Buying a House During Separation

Making the decision to buy a house during a separation can be daunting. Here are some practical tips to help you make this decision:

Evaluate your financial situation

Before taking the step to buy a house, assess your financial situation critically. Consider your income, savings, credit score, and existing debts.

Seek financial advice

Consult with a financial advisor who has experience with divorce situations. They can help you understand how the purchase may impact your financial health and help you navigate mortgage options during this period.

Hire a family law lawyer

Hiring a lawyer who specialises in family law can be a great asset. They can provide advice on the potential legal implications of buying a house during separation.

Create a budget

Formulate a budget considering all of your current and future financial obligations. This includes not just the mortgage, but also property taxes, home insurance, maintenance, and unexpected repairs.

Consider the future

Think about your future plans. If you have children, consider how a move may impact them. If you’re planning to live alone, think about whether you need as much space as you had in your marital home.

Understand the housing market

Understanding the current state of the housing market can help you make an informed decision. Are house prices rising or falling? Is it a buyer's or seller's market? A real estate agent can help you navigate these complexities.

Protect your interests

Make sure you take steps to protect your interests in your new property. This could include legal measures such as drawing up a cohabitation agreement if you plan to live with a new partner.

Remember, every person’s situation is unique. What works best for one person may not be right for another. The most important thing is to make informed decisions that take into account your personal circumstances and needs.

What to Do With the Current Home?

Deciding what to do with your current home during a divorce or separation can be complex, as it often involves both emotional and financial considerations. Here are some options:

Sell the Home

Many couples opt to sell their marital home during or after a divorce. This option often simplifies matters and provides each party with a share of the proceeds. The money can then be used to pay off shared debts or be put towards new housing. However, in the absence of a Court Order, selling the home requires that both parties agree to the sale and to how the proceeds will be divided.

One Spouse Buys the Other Out

In some cases, one spouse may wish to keep the home. This typically requires the spouse who is keeping the home to buy out the other's share, which could involve refinancing. This allows one party to keep the home while the other may receive a share of its value.

Deferring a sale or ‘buy out’

Some ex-spouses decide to defer the above options and decide upon the terms of a future sale or buy-out. This option may be particularly attractive if there are children involved and the goal is to minimise disruption to their lives. However, there are many factors to consider when making these kinds of decisions and it will be important to try and pre-empt any areas of dispute - such as who has responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the property and what happens if the person remaining in the property decides to cohabit with a third party in future.

Rent Out the Home

If neither spouse wants to remain in the home, or if the market conditions aren't favourable for selling, renting out the property is another option. This could provide an additional source of income for both parties.

For a more comprehensive guide that elaborates on the options you have when it comes to your current home during a divorce, visit our article on 'What Happens to Property in a Divorce'.

Where to Live During Divorce Proceedings?

Deciding where to live during divorce proceedings is often a difficult and emotional decision. Here are some options you might consider:

Stay in the Marital Home

Many people choose to stay in the marital home during the divorce proceedings. This may be especially applicable if you have children and want to maintain some stability for them. However, it could be challenging to live with your soon-to-be ex-spouse during this emotionally charged time.

Rent a Place

You may opt to rent a place temporarily until the divorce proceedings are finalised. This can offer clarity and the personal space you need. However, keep in mind that rent can be an added expense on top of legal costs and setting up a new household.

Stay with Family or Friends

If it's feasible, you could consider staying with family or friends in the short term. This option can help save on living expenses and provide emotional support. However, it's important to consider the potential strain on relationships and the lack of personal space or privacy.

Purchase a New Home

Though this is what our article primarily addresses, it's worth reiterating that buying a new home during divorce proceedings should be done with careful consideration. It might be an option if you have the financial means and are certain about your decision. However, there can be significant legal and financial implications, particularly if the divorce is not yet finalised.

Remember, it's crucial to seek legal and financial advice before making any significant decisions during a divorce. It's a good idea to discuss these options with a family mediator, who can provide a neutral perspective and help facilitate important conversations.

Living With a New Partner

Choosing to live with a new partner after a separation but before the divorce is finalised is a significant decision that has some considerations worth bearing in mind.

Emotional Considerations

Entering a new relationship during a divorce can provide emotional support and companionship. However, it’s essential to ensure you've had enough time to heal and process the end of your previous relationship before starting a new one. Keep in mind that your children, if you have any, may need time to adjust to the new circumstances.

Legal Considerations

In some circumstances, living with a new partner could impact aspects of your divorce proceedings, such as spousal support.

Financial Considerations

Combining households can lead to shared living costs, which could help ease financial stress. However, it's important to discuss financial responsibilities and expectations beforehand to avoid potential conflicts.

Cohabitation Agreement

To protect both parties' interests, you may want to consider a cohabitation agreement. This legal document can set out financial arrangements and what would happen to shared assets if the relationship ended.

Keep in mind that the implications of living with a new partner during a divorce can vary greatly based on personal circumstances. As such, it's wise to seek legal advice before making this decision.

Family mediation can be a valuable tool during this time, helping to facilitate discussions around potentially challenging decisions. By creating an open and neutral space for conversation, mediators can assist you in navigating these complex decisions.

The Role of Mediation

Mediation First's team specialises in family mediation and finance and property mediation, helping you navigate complex discussions, provide unbiased advice, and help ensure a fair outcome for all parties involved.

Discover our mediation services, or speak to us directly and find out how we can help your circumstance.

Leah Caldwell

Director at Mediation First

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family mediator and director - Leah Caldwell
Leah Caldwell

Director at Mediation First

After training as a barrister in 2007, Leah went on to work in the insolvency industry for 8 years; her experience within this sector means that Leah is particularly well-equipped to deal with complex, financial disputes...